Wednesday 27 February 2013

How To Pack A Disaster Evacuation Kit

It is very important to make a disaster kit depending on your needs. In case, you are living in an area which needs to be evacuated, you can pack your disaster kit in the boxes. It would be a good idea to plan and pack your supplies quickly and easily into the car to ensure quick getaway.

It is true that the entire evacuation kit cannot be packed at once. So, you need to apply some trick on it. You should break it into smaller bites. You can start with water and food supplies following with other items. Lay your concentration on each and every item before moving towards the next.

Any disaster evacuation kit can be easily stored at home and can be packed in less than 10 minutes.

Here are some tips for maintaining your kit:
  • Keep small things

  • Store water so that it won’t freeze, food where it doesn’t get too hot

  • Make sure that you pack everything in plastic storage boxes so that they can be easily loaded into the car.

  • Note expiration date for food and medications

  • Replace water with fresh one to maintain fresh taste
Similar types of kits are also helpful during hospital evacuation, office evacuation and other types of building evacuation. Avoiding disasters is not in our hand; however, being prepare to fight with them can be best thing we can do.

Thursday 21 February 2013

Cert Kits- Savior In Emergencies

Just imagine a situation that you are enjoying a sunny afternoon on a beach and suddenly an earthquake of high frequency strikes there. In seconds, there is an incredible view of disaster, damage and destruction around you. The first reaction of the people during such situation is to call police and fire departments. The medical personnel and other assistance soon arrive at the spot.

In order to ensure that the affected individuals get proper treatment on time, these personnel are loaded with cert kits. These kinds of kits have all types of important requirements in case of emergencies, trauma, and other medical situation. These contain safety vests and colored tape in order to designate the different levels of security of injury.

Often these cert kits include a book with the instruction on the setting of the items of the cert kits.

Cert kits and other emergency requirements like replacement pads were not in use earlier. Even none of us thought of its use earlier but now one cannot imagine handling any situation without their use. With the instruction manual within them, a common man also effectively uses them. Imagine what can be the other fulfilling thought can be than saving lives in such emergencies. Such type of field operation will be an invaluable contribution to your community.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Learn What Is Disaster Management

Disaster management can be defined as organizing and managing resources and responsibilities to deal with the humanitarian aspects of emergencies through preparing, responding and recovering to ensure minimum loss through different multi-casualty incidents.
There can be different types of disasters and every country faces some kind of it at some time. However, the vulnerability of the disasters can vary. Some of the disasters are:
  • Natural disasters- includes floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcano, etc.
  • Environmental disasters- any sort of technical or industrial accidents fall in this category. Most of the time, it includes some hazardous materials.
  • Complex emergencies- include breakdown of some higher authorities, looting, conflicting situations and war.
  • Pandemic disasters-sudden spread of contagious disease affecting health which affects social as well as economic costs.
Any sort of disaster often causes interruption in any essential services which include electricity, water, sewage, health care, transportation, communications, etc. Often such interruptions cause loss of life and wealth and leaves a long lasting negative impact. Therefore, it becomes important to manage such multi casualty incident with proper planning and management.
For any kind of disaster management, there are organizations and authorities at local, regional, national and international levels. They all have a disaster management plan which mainly covers services, prevention, preparedness, relief and recovery.

Thursday 7 February 2013

What Is Nursing Home Incident Command System

Whenever an incident or an event happens, be it large or small, or if it is an emergency, it requires certain management functions. These functions include encountering of the problem, its evaluation, remedy plan for it and the essential resources required. This whole planning system is known as nursing home incident command system.
One of the major components in the successful implementation of this problem is management by objectives. This includes both the control and operational period objectives. The ICS is not a very old system as it was developed in the year 1970’s. The need for it was evolved in the evaluation of major incidents which revealed:
Management of the incident was failing because:
  • Lack of communication due to conflicting terminology.
  • Lack of personnel accountability
  • Inefficient planning process
Due to these reasons, ICS was developed to manage the emergencies, planned events, and incidents effectively. Avoiding any duplication, providing logistical and administrative support, etc.
After its initiation, it was developed for different sectors like health ICS, fire ICS, etc. for effective and better management of the incidents.

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